• Ellen Munroe

    Ellen is an 89 year old woman diagnosed with dementia, depression, and anxiety.


    During certain points in the day (11:30-3:00), Ellen becomes agitated and anxious. She will wander around the facility, ask where her daughter is, and become increasingly anxious and confused. If this behaviour is not redirected, Ellen’s anxiety and confusion will escalate into her loudly demanding to see her daughter and extreme anxiety and confusion about her situation.


    With a combined intervention of Boomerang LIFE DVDs and the use of the internet in the Media Room, Ellen’s behaviour is able to be managed. 11 out of the 12 interventions resulted in a decline in Ellen’s negative behaviour, including for a short while after the treatment. When Ellen was redirected with a Media Room/Boomerang LIFE intervention, her negative behaviour was delayed for a minimum of 30 minutes. During these sessions, Ellen is able to recall her past and is often seen laughing and talking with the staff/volunteer who works with her. Ellen gets genuine enjoyment out of these sessions, along with behaviour management.

    Ellen's Improvements

    11 1:1 Boomerang LIFE/Media room sessions. (11/11 were successful)


    1 Group Boomerang LIFE session (0/1 were successful)

  • Daisy Goffman

    Daisy is an 83 year old woman with dementia who is cognitively impaired.


    Daisy will occasionally get very agitated and upset, often crying or waving people away from her. She will also shake her wheelchair and rub her head, while repeating, “No” over and over. Some of her behaviours are not as disruptive, as she is often very passive and not engaged in programs.


    Daisy responds amazingly well to Boomerang LIFE’s “Baby” DVD. With the assistance of staff or a volunteer, Daisy will watch a DVD on the Media Room’s portable laptop. The “Baby” DVD has been used in all six of Daisy’s interventions and has been successful is each session. During the video, Daisy will become very excited, touching the computer and speaking to the babies. She will laugh and give the babies German pet-names, such as “Puppe” (doll in German). Boomerang LIFE allows Daisy to become very engaged in the images and has successfully stopped her problem behaviours.

    Daisy's Improvements

    6 1:1 Boomerang LIFE Baby Interventions (6/6 were successful)

  • Susan Scheiff

    Susan is an 94 year old woman with Alzheimer’s disease who has moderate cognitive impairment.


    Susan will often become agitated and confused, shouting out for help, crying, and asking to go home. Her behaviour will often stay at that level, with her crying and asking for help. Occasionally it will escalate to her wheeling herself to the exits and slamming on the door, begging for a way out. She has also hit away staff and other individuals who have tried to calm her down.


    Using the media room’s multiple platforms for Boomerang LIFE, Susan is very receptive to the “Flowers” DVD, with all six of her 1:1 sessions resulting in a calming of her behaviour. When watching the DVD, she will often reminisce about gardening or other memories related to the content. While not as expressive as other residents, Susan, will watch with interest, often becoming tired or even falling asleep as her body relaxes from all of the tension she was previously feeling. At her most extreme agitation level, Susan was able to be calmed with the music from the Boomerang LIFE DVD.

    Susan's Improvements

    6 1:1 Boomerang LIFE  Interventions (6/6 were successful)


    1 Boomerang LIFE session was audio/music only

  • Fran Smithe

    Fran is a 91 year old woman with dementia with moderate cognitive impairments.  


    Fran will often call out from her room, “Jie Jie” (Cantonese for older sister), to get attention. Along with wandering along the halls, Fran will often isolate herself in her room and call out, sometimes with no pause between calls.


    Fran has been very receptive to Boomerang LIFE’s DVDs, especially the “Baby” DVD. She will immediately stop her problem behaviour and focus on the screen of the laptop, TV, or iPad. Of the four interventions she has received so far, Fran has successfully stopped her problem behaviour 100% of the time. During the DVD, Fran will often point to the pictures of the babies, whisper to them, and laugh. After a session, Fran is extremely happy, smiles a lot, and stops calling out. However, typically her problem behaviour starts again after 10 minutes. 

    Fran's Improvements

    4 1:1 Boomerang LIFE  Interventions (4/4 were successful)

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Karyna Matsuk | Family Counselor, Care2Connect

When I see them use the Boomerang MIND flashcards I see how they open up with the help of the colorful images and the opportunity to read and share their thoughts and feellings. It's a great tool for helping them communicate.